Passiflora suberosa | Cork Bark Passionflower | Devils Pumpkin | 5_Seeds
This is Passiflora suberosa, also known as Cork-bark Passion Flower, Devils Pumpkin, Indigo Berry, Corky Passionflower, and Corkstem Passionflower....
Passiflora tenuifilia | 5_Seeds
These seeds were collected from Passiflora tenuifilia. This is a host plant for the Zebra Long Wing, Zebra Heliconian, Julia Heliconian, Isabellas...
Passiflora biflora | Passionvine | 10_Seeds
This is Passiflora biflora, also known as Two-Flowered Passion Flower, Passionflower, and Passion Vine. Growing up to 15 feet in length this...
Passiflora caerulea | Blue Hardy Passion Flower | 10_Seeds
This is Passiflora caerulea, also known as Blue Passion Flower, Hardy Passionflower, Passion Vine, and Passionvine. This climbing vine will grow up...
Passiflora capsularis | Red Granadilla | 10_Seeds
This is Passiflora capsularis, also known as red granadilla. This delicate white flower is vanilla scented and the plant has interesting looking...
Passiflora foetida var. gossypifolia | Cottonleaf Passionflower | 5_Seeds
These seeds are from Passiflora foetida var. gossypifolia, also known as Cottonleaf Passionflower. This vine does well in full sun of full shade...
Passiflora lobata | 5_Seeds
These seeds are from Passiflora lobata. These white flowers draw a large crowd of bees, birds, and butterflies. This is a host plant for the Zebra...
Passiflora alnifolia | 5_Seeds
These seeds are from Passiflora alnifolia. These white, purple, and lavender blossoms attract a wide variety of birds, bees, and butterflies. This is...
Passiflora bogotensis | 5_Seeds
These seeds were collected from Passiflora bogotensis. This passion vine is native to Columbia, and can be found in Venezuela. This is a host plant...
Passiflora incarnata | Apricot Vine | Maypop Purple | 10_Seeds
This is Passiflora incarnata, also known as Apricot Vine, Maypop, Purple Passion Flower, Passionflower, Passionvine, and Passion Vine. This adaptable...
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