Aristolochia indica | Sunanda | Birthwort | Snakeroot | 20_Seeds
These seeds are collected from Aristolochia indica, also known as Birthwort, Snakeroot, and Sunanda. This is a rare and endangered vine. All...
Aristolochia macroura Ortega | 5_Seeds
These seeds are from Aristolochia macroura Ortega. The meaning of macroura is long tail. These amazingly complicated blossoms are brown with...
Aristolochia manshuriensis | Birthwort | Manchurian pipevine | 100_Seeds
This is Aristolochia manshuriensis, also known as Birthwort, and Manchurian pipevine. This exotic looking pipevine blooms from late Spring until...
Aristolochia maxima | 5_Seeds
These seeds were collected from Aristolochia maxima, also known as canastilla, guaco, and tecolotillo. This tropical climber likes to live in full...
Aristolochia paulistana | 5_Seeds
This is Aristolochia paulistana. This magnificent yellow and purple bloom is in the shape of a giant beak. It will grow about 20 feet long if given...
Aristolochia pothieri | 10_Seeds
These seeds are from Aristolochia pothieri. This climbing vine has heart shaped leaves and yellow and purple blossoms. All Aristolochia species,...
Aristolochia ringens | Gaping Dutchmans Pipe | 10_Seeds
These seeds were collected from Aristolochia ringens, also known as Gaping Dutchmans Pipe. This plant does well in any sun position from full sun to...
Aristolochia tagala | Indian Birthwort | 50_Seeds
This is Aristolochia tagala, also known as Indian birthwort. A very common synonym is Aristolochia acuminata. This evergreen climber can grow up to...
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