Butterfly Garden Seeds

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Asclepias arenaria | Sand Milkweed | 20_Seeds

Asclepias arenaria | Sand Milkweed | 20_Seeds

This is Asclepias arenaria, also known as Sand Milkweed. Growing 3 feet tall this plant likes to live in full sun. This plant attracts bees, and...
Asclepias asperula | Spider Milkweed | Antelope Horns | 20_Seeds

Asclepias asperula | Spider Milkweed | Antelope Horns | 20_Seeds

This is Asclepias asperula, also known as Spider Milkweed, and Antelope Horns. This plant likes to live in full sun where it blossoms from late...
Asclepias curassavica | Butterfly Bush | Scarlet Milkweed | 200_Seeds

Asclepias curassavica | Butterfly Bush | Scarlet Milkweed | 200_Seeds

Here I am offering seeds from Asclepias curassavica, also known as bloodflower, hierba de la cucaracha, redhead, scarlet milkweed, cotton bush,...
Asclepias eriocarpa | Indian Kotolo Milkweed | Woollypod | 10_Seeds

Asclepias eriocarpa | Indian Kotolo Milkweed | Woollypod | 10_Seeds

This is Asclepias eriocarpa, also known as woollypod milkweed, Indian milkweed, and Kotolo. The stems of this plant contain latex which is boiled and...
Asclepias fascicularis | Mexican Whorled Narrow Leaf Milkweed | 50_Seeds

Asclepias fascicularis | Mexican Whorled Narrow Leaf Milkweed | 50_Seeds

This is Asclepias fascicularis, also known as Narrow-Leaf Milkweed, and Mexican Whorled Milkweed. This perennial milkweed attracts many different...
Asclepias hallii | Purple Silkweed | Halls milkweed | 5_Seeds

Asclepias hallii | Purple Silkweed | Halls milkweed | 5_Seeds

This is Asclepias hallii, also known as Purple Silkweed and Halls milkweed. In general, milkweeds have numerous pollinators including but not limited...
Asclepias incarnata Carmine-Rose | Cinderella | 50_Seeds

Asclepias incarnata Carmine-Rose | Cinderella | 50_Seeds

This is Asclepias incarnata Carmine-Rose Cinderella. The Cinderella cultivar was selected for its gorgeous color and full bodied blooms. This plant...
Asclepias incarnata White | Ice Ballet | 50_seeds

Asclepias incarnata White | Ice Ballet | 50_seeds

This is Asclepias incarnata White. This plant likes to live in the full sun but will tolerate some shade. This bright white blossoming plant grows 3...
Asclepias incarnata | Rose Red Swamp Milkweed | Silkweed | 100_Seeds

Asclepias incarnata | Rose Red Swamp Milkweed | Silkweed | 100_Seeds

This is Asclepias incarnata, also known as Swamp Milkweed, Rose Milkweed, Red Milkweed, Swamp Silkweed, and White Indian Hemp. Growing to a height of...
Asclepias perennis | White Aquatic Milkweed | 5_Seeds

Asclepias perennis | White Aquatic Milkweed | 5_Seeds

This is Asclepias perennis, also known as Aquatic Milkweed, and White Milkweed. Growing to about 2 feet high, this plant must live in full sun where...
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