Passiflora mixta | Curuba de Indio & Monte | Palta | 5_Seeds
This is Passiflora mixta, also known as curuba, curuba de indio, curuba de monte, curubita, palta, parcha, and tacso. This important species of...
Passiflora sexflora | Goatsfoot | Batwing Passion Flower | 20_Seeds
This is Passiflora sexflora, also known as Goatsfoot, Passionflower, and Passionvine. This plant was named sexflora because it tends to produce...
Passiflora subpeltata | White Passion Flower | 5_Seeds
This is Passiflora subpeltata, also known as White passion flower. This climber begins blooming in late spring and finishes in the middle of the...
Peltophorum pterocarpum | Copperpod | Golden Yellow Flamboyant | 10_Seeds
This is Peltophorum pterocarpum, also known as copperpod, golden flamboyant, yellow flamboyant, yellow flame tree, yellow poinciana, konda chinta,...
Pittosporum eugenioides | Lemonwood Tree | Tarata | 5_Seeds
This is Pittosporum eugenioides, also known as Lemonwood tree, and Tarata. This tree is highly sought after for its fragrance. The Maori of New...
Pseudorhipsalis ramulosa | Red Rhipsalis | Mistletoe Cactus | 20_Seeds
Here I am offering seeds from Pseudorhipsalis ramulosa, also known as Red Rhipsalis, Red mistletoe cactus, and Rhipsalis ramulosa. This spectacular...
Tacca chantrieri White | Nivea | Bat Head Flower Lily | 20_Seeds
This is Tacca nivea, also known as White Bat Flower, Bat Head Lily, and Devils Whiskers. This plant likes to be in the shade with no direct sunlight...
Tacca chantrieri | Bat Flower | Cats Whiskers | Devil-flower 20_Seeds
This is Tacca chantrieri, also known as Bat Flower, Cats Whiskers, Devil Flower. This tender perennial maxes out at around 3 feet high. Tacca...
Tacca integrifolia | White Bat Flower | 20_Seeds
This is Tacca integrifolia, also known as White Bat Flower. This tender perennial has one of the most impressive blooms ever seen. This is a tropical...
Talinum paniculatum | Jewels Opar | Fame Flower | 20_Seeds
This is Talinum paniculatum, also known as Jewels of Opar, pink babys-breath, and Fame Flower. Talinum paniculatum must live in the full sun where it...
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