Butterfly Garden Seeds

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Hardenbergia violacea Rosea | Happy Wanderer | Pink Climbing Pea Vine | 5_Seeds

Hardenbergia violacea Rosea | Happy Wanderer | Pink Climbing Pea Vine | 5_Seeds

This is Hardenbergia violacea Rosea, also known as Happy Wanderer, Coral Pea, Purple Coral Pea, False Sarsaparilla, Vine Lilac and Pink Climbing Pea...
Hibiscus dasycalyx | Neches River Rosemallow | 10_Seeds

Hibiscus dasycalyx | Neches River Rosemallow | 10_Seeds

This is Hibiscus dasycalyx, also known as Neches River Rosemallow. In several areas this is considered a protected species and can not just be dug up...
Ipomoea pes-tigridis | Tigers Foot Morning Glory | 10_Seeds

Ipomoea pes-tigridis | Tigers Foot Morning Glory | 10_Seeds

This is Ipomoea pes-tigridis, also known as Tigers Foot Morning Glory. The name tigers foot refers to the shape of the hairy leaves. The plant likes...
Liabum saloyense | 5_Seeds

Liabum saloyense | 5_Seeds

This is Liabum saloyense. This shrub is a member of the sunflower family and likes to live in partial sun to semi shade. Because it is in the...
Malva assurgentiflora | Lavatera | Island Tree Mallow | 10_Seeds

Malva assurgentiflora | Lavatera | Island Tree Mallow | 10_Seeds

Here I am offering seeds from Malva assurgentiflora, also known as the Island Mallow, Mission Mallow, Royal Mallow, Island Tree Mallow, and Malva...
Medinilla magnifica | Showy | Philippine orchid | 10_Seeds

Medinilla magnifica | Showy | Philippine orchid | 10_Seeds

This is Medinilla magnifica, also known as Showy Medinilla. This is a tropical shrub with woody branched stems. This tropical flower is very fun to...
Meriania nobilis | Amaraboyo | 20_Seeds

Meriania nobilis | Amaraboyo | 20_Seeds

This is Meriania nobilis, also known as Amaraboyo. These are commonly considered the most beautiful tree on the planet. The large luscious flowers...
Musa nagensium | 10_Seeds

Musa nagensium | 10_Seeds

Here are seeds from Musa nagensium. This banana is a recently discovered species from the Himalayas. It is a fairly quick grower and can get over 20...
Passiflora capsularis | Red Granadilla | 10_Seeds

Passiflora capsularis | Red Granadilla | 10_Seeds

This is Passiflora capsularis, also known as red granadilla. This delicate white flower is vanilla scented and the plant has interesting looking...
Passiflora manicata | Red Passion Flower | 10_Seeds

Passiflora manicata | Red Passion Flower | 10_Seeds

This is Passiflora manicata, also known as Red Passion Flower, Red Passionflower, Passion Vine, and Passionvine. This tropical climber will give you...
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