Chiranthodendron pentadactylon | Devils Hand Tree | 10_Seeds
These seeds are from Chiranthodendron pentadactylon, also known as devils hand tree, and tree of little hands. This tree draws great interest because...
Coreopsis mutica | 20_seeds
This is Coreopsis mutica. This shrub has strikingly beautiful yellow blossoms and is native to Central Mexico. Other similar varieties are present in...
Cornus florida urbiniana | Magic Dogwood | Mexican Flowering Dog wood | 5_Seeds
This is Cornus florida urbiniana, also known as Mexican flowering dogwood, and Magic Dogwood. This breath taking tree can grow up to 30 feet high and...
Cupressus macrocarpa Saligna Aurea | Weeping Golden Cypress | 10_Seeds
This is Cupressus macrocarpa Saligna Aurea, also known as Weeping golden cypress. This weeping evergreen likes to grow in full sun. The older shoots...
Delonix regia | Royal Poinciana | Flamboyant Flame Tree | Gulmohar | 5_Seeds
This is Delonix regia, also known as Royal Poinciana, Flamboyant Flame Tree, Peacock Flower, and Gulmohar. Saint Thomas Christians of Kerala believe...
Echinacea purpurea Doubledecker | Doppelganger | 10_Seeds
Here, I am offering seeds from Echinacea purpurea Doubledecker, also known as purpurea Doppelganger. This plant likes the full sun so much that it...
Eulychnia Acida | Copao | 20_Seeds
This is Eulychnia Acida, also known as Copao. This protected plant produces a fruit about the size of a grapefruit. This cactus can live up to 100...
Fuchsia boliviana Alba | 100_Seeds
This is Fuchsia boliviana Alba. This plant prefers partial sun to shade and the berries can be used to make a very tasty jam. This plant must be...
Fuchsia boliviana | 100_Seeds
This is Fuchsia boliviana. This plant prefers partial sun to shade and the berries can be used to make a very tasty jam. The fruit is sold fresh in...
Gladiolus illyricus | Wild Gladiolus | 10_Seeds
This is Gladiolus illyricus, also known as Wild Gladiolus. This perennial plant likes to have at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day and will...
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